Monday, May 24, 2010

Manic Monday

I think everyone can agree on the fact that Monday's just suck. You're having a glorious weekend and it ends with a blink of an eye...and you're then faced w/ the oh-so-dreadful Monday morning. I don't know what it is, but Monday's are always out of control for me. I either have a ton going on && I'm running around like a chicken w/ it's head cut off, or everything that could go wrong...goes wrong. Regardless, one thing I always try to do on Monday is wear something that will really brighten my mood. And this vintage jacket does just that. I love the mustard color and the black detail w/ the gold buttons. The shoulder pads give it just enough "oomph" without drawing too much attention. The majority of people I work with might think this is a little much for the office, but in my opinion it's just what the Dr. ordered for me to start my work week out on the right foot. It's got the vintage appeal, with the pop of color that steers clear from the usual drab office clothing that can really bring down my mood [ie the dreadful polo and chino ensemble...boorrrinngggg]. So enough's my jacket && I hope you're as fond of it as I am. (:

Happy "Manic Monday" to all! (:

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  1. I completely agree w/always trying to start your week out on the right foot. Fashion is basically the only thing you can control on a Monday so I hear ya sista! I may work in a closed call center...where basically my co-workers are the only ones that see me.. (no clients..randoms...etc) so I do what I can to amp up my outfits...and always always accessorize :)

  2. Great look!!

  3. Man, I love that jacket!! Who says that you need to dress in black and grey to go to the office? That's just depressing...

  4. Thank you all for stopping by!! It means a lot!

    Janelle -- I'm so glad you do the's so important to be "you" when you are at work, and not succumb to the every day routine. You've gotta switch it up a bit, right? :)

    Sammie Lyla- - Thank you so much! I will def check out your blog!(:

    Rebecca- - Thank you! (: I love the jacket too!! Glad we both see eye to eye on office attire...
    I'll check out your blog as well!



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