Thursday, February 26, 2015


I almost forgot to share with y'all these adorable pics of my sweet little girls. We took these photos on Valentine's Day and let me tell you that it was a hoot trying to pose them for these shots (I just love Bridgett's face in the last photo! She was laughing up a storm! :D).

Everything has been so wonderful since Bridgett came home from the hospital. I'm not going to lie and say that there hasn't been any struggles, because there definitely has. Especially when it comes to getting myself and the girls ready for the day. Let's just say getting out the door on time isn't always accomplished. But hey, we knew that things wouldn't be easy or perfect. Even in all the organized chaos, every moment spent with these sweet girls is cherished. My husband and I feel so lucky to be their parents and everyday we thank God for these little blessings. You often forget all the things that can go wrong during pregnancy, heck even after pregnancy -- they're entire lives we will be praying for good health and their safety, so to have two healthy, beautiful girls is a true blessing from God. They are just the sweetest and most loving little girls. It just warms my heart every time Court stands behind me, throws her arms around me and says "awww Mama" and gives me a kiss. Or when Bridgett looks right into my eyes and gives me the biggest smile and coo. I seriously cannot get enough. I often wish life had a pause button.

We love watching how these two interact with eachother too, and we know that they're forming a strong sisterly bond already. Courtney is just the best big sister to Bridgett. She's always making sure that Bridgett has her "blankey" and always tries to put Bridgett's little baby cap on her head when it falls off. She even tries to calm Bridgett down when she cries saying "shhhh, it's OK sissy it's OK". Just so precious to watch. I always knew Court had a sweet soul, but seeing how warm and loving she is to her little sister brings the biggest smile to our faces. I've never had a sister and always wanted one (I had 3 brothers and I was the oldest), so I can't wait to see their relationship grow through the years.

Courtney is a big girl for only being 2 (the top percentile in height and weight and is wearing size 5 and 6 now), so it will be interesting to see how Bridgett grows. Bridgett was 12 lbs and 24 inches long at her 1 month check-up a couple weeks ago. She's already growing so fast and is already wearing some 3 month outfits.

Bridgett smiles a ton, has started to follow things with her eyes, and she even rolled over from her stomach to her back last week! She eats a ton and sleeps really well at night -- only waking up once, if any.

Looking forward to sharing with y'all more sweet photos of these precious girls as they both grow. In the meantime, you can follow me on Instagram where I post photos of the girls weekly. :)


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